COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker

Tools for public health
10 Nov 2021

On 10 November 2021 ECDC released an updated version of its COVID- 19 Vaccine Tracker with additional information, new indicators, and improved features for visualisation.


The new features include:

  • New downloadable summary tables with key figures of the COVID-19 vaccines rollout in the EU/EEA.
  • Data on additional vaccine doses and boosters administered to the total population, by age group and other target groups;
  • Vaccine uptake indicators for the older age groups (60+) and disaggregated age groups below 18 years of age (0-4; 5-9; 10-14; 15-17).

The COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker is an interactive dashboard that provides an overview of the progress in the roll-out of COVID-19 vaccines across EU/EEA countries. Based on data from the Vaccine Tracker, the ECDC also produces weekly COVID-19 vaccine rolleout reports summarising the state of play with regards to progress in COVID-19 vaccination in the EU/EEA.

Data in the Vaccine Tracker are sourced directly from EU/EEA health authorities. ECDC aims to constantly improve the information displayed through the COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker to reflect as comprehensively as possible the roll-out and use of COVID-19 vaccines in the EU/EEA.

Download the data