European Immunization Week, 2022

25 Apr 2022

European Immunization Week is marked across Europe every year in the final week of April. It aims to raise awareness of the importance of immunization for the general health and wellbeing of the European and wider population.

ECDC is marking this year’s European Immunization Week under the slogan Long Life for All, as a celebration of the important role vaccines have played throughout history in protecting the lives of people of all ages.

For over 200 years vaccines have prevented illnesses and saved countless numbers of lives. The history of immunization is one of the most successful stories of public health interventions, with a long-standing track record of effectiveness.

Beginning with the smallpox vaccine in 1796, continuous research has led to the discovery of new vaccines, and now 25 deadly diseases are vaccine-preventable, including Covid-19.

Covid-19 vaccines themselves are a result of this long history of research and innovation, and their development in such a short space of time was the result of decades of previous research and unprecedented levels of collaboration across the world.

While the COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenging period for maintaining high rates of routine immunization in children and adolescents, efforts must continue to strengthen routine vaccination schedules, close immunity gaps, and leave no one behind.

Vaccines save lives. Long Life For All!

Press conference, 26 April 2022

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Get informed

Information for Ukrainian refugees: are you and your family protected from vaccine-preventable diseases? 

Learn more about the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines

More videos on vaccination

Read more on vaccination