The European Union Summary Report on Antimicrobial Resistance in zoonotic and indicator bacteria from humans, animals and food in 2020/2021
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) data on zoonotic and indicator bacteria from humans, animals and food are collected annually by the EU Member States (MSs) and reporting countries, jointly analysed by EFSA and ECDC and presented in a yearly EU Summary Report. This report provides an overview of the main findings of the 2020–2021 harmonised AMR monitoring in Salmonella spp., Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli in humans and food-producing animals (broilers, laying hens and turkeys, fattening pigs and bovines under 1 year of age) and relevant meat thereof.

Annex A Salmonella EUSR AMR 2020-2021 - EN - [PDF-2.39 MB]
Annex B Campylobacter EUSR AMR 2020-2021 - EN - [PDF-1.34 MB]
Annex C E.coli EUSR AMR 2020-2021 - EN - [PDF-552.45 KB]
Annex D ESBL EUS AMR 2020-2021 - EN - [PDF-3.86 MB]
Annex E MRSA EUSR AMR 2020-2021 - EN - [PDF-625.91 KB]
Annex F WGS complementary MIC values EUSR AMR 2020-2021 - EN - [PDF-297.91 KB]