Healthcare-associated Infections Surveillance Network (HAI-Net)

About the network

The Healthcare-Associated Infections Surveillance Network (HAI-Net)  is a European network for the surveillance of healthcare-associated infections (HAI). The network is coordinated by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).

The main priorities of HAI-Net are the coordination of the European point prevalence survey of HAI and antimicrobial use in acute care hospitals, the European surveillance of surgical site infections, the European surveillance of HAI in intensive care units and the repeated prevalence surveys of HAI and antimicrobial use in European long-term care facilities.


The activities of HAI-Net are largely based on the activities of the former IPSE (Improving Patient Safety in Europe) network. The coordination of IPSE was transferred to ECDC in July 2008. In addition, HAI-Net provides support to Member States to respond to the Council Recommendation of 9 June 2009 on patient safety, including the prevention and control of healthcare-associated infections (2009/C 151/01).

The main priorities of HAI-Net are the coordination of the European point prevalence survey of HAI and antimicrobial use in acute care hospitals, the European surveillance of surgical site infections, the European surveillance of HAI in intensive care units and the repeated prevalence surveys of HAI and antimicrobial use in European long-term care facilities. 

Healthcare-associated infections in acute care hospitals

Healthcare-associated infections are infections acquired by patients during their stay in a hospital or another healthcare setting. Although some of these infections can be treated easily, others may more seriously affect a patient’s health, increasing their stay in the hospital and hospital costs, and causing considerable distress to these patients.

Surgical site infections

Surgical site infections are associated with longer post-operative hospital stays, additional surgical procedures, may require intensive care and often result in higher mortality.


National/regional systems for surveillance of healthcare-associated infections: 

 Country  Coordinated network  Network acronym
Austria Austrian Nosocomial Infection Surveillance System, Medical University of Vienna


Belgium National Surveillance of Healthcareassociated infections and antimicrobial resistance, Scientifi c Institute of Public Health (IPH), Brussels


Croatia Reference Centre for Hospital Infections, Zagreb  
Finland Finnish Hospital Infection Programme (SIRO), National Public Health Institute (KTL), Helsinki



Centre de coordination de la lutte contre les infections nosocomiales, Est

  C.CLIN Est


Centre de coordination de la lutte contre les infections nosocomiales, Paris-Nord

  C.CLIN Paris-Nord


Centre de coordination de la lutte contre les infections nosocomiales, Sud-Est

 C.CLIN Sud-Est


Centre de coordination de la lutte contre les infections nosocomiales, Sud-Ouest

 C.CLIN Sud-Ouest


Centre de coordination de la lutte contre les infections nosocomiales, Ouest

 C.CLIN Ouest

Germany German Nosocomial Infection Surveillance System (KISS), National Reference Centre for Nosocomial Infection Surveillance, Charité Medical University, Berlin


Hungary National Nosocomial Surveillance System (NNSR), National Center for Epidemiology (OEK), Budapest


Italy Regional Health Authority of Emilia-Romagna, Bologna; ICU network: Gruppo Italiano Studio Igiene Ospedaliera (GISIO)


Lithuania Institute of Hygiene, Vilnius  
Netherlands Prevention of Nosocomial Infection through Surveillance (PREZIES), National Institute for Public Health and Environment (RIVM) and the Dutch Institute for Healthcare Improvement (CBO)


Norway Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI), Oslo


Poland Polish Society of Hospital Infections;National Institute of Public Health, Warsaw  
Spain Envin: Hopital Val d’Hebron,Barcelona; SSI surveillance by Carlos III Institute of Health, Madrid

ENVIN (ICU), EPINE (prevalence)

* The table "Coordination of national/regional surveillance of HCAI" is published in the Annual epidemiological report on communicable diseases in Europe, 2008