A literature review on health communication campaign evaluation with regard to the prevention and control of communicable diseases in Europe

Literature review Monitoring
15 Dec 2014

Sixsmith J, Fox K-A, Doyle P, Barry MM. A literature review on health communication campaign evaluation with regard to the prevention and control of communicable diseases in Europe. Stockholm: ECDC; 2014.

​This report collates and summarises the literature on communication campaign evaluation with relevance to the prevention and control of communicable diseases. The aim of this review is to contribute to the evidence base on health communication evaluation research in order to aid public health professionals and researchers in the development of future evaluation strategies.

Executive summary

​This report collates and summarises the literature on communication campaign evaluation with relevance to the prevention and control of communicable diseases. The aim is to contribute to the evidence base on health communication evaluation research in order to aid public health professionals and researchers in the development of future evaluation strategies.

Evaluations of campaigns undertaken in EU/EEA countries, as well as examples from the wider European region are reviewed, and the challenges posed by health communication campaign evaluation are discussed. The report outlines principles of best practices and identifies available frameworks and models that can help to address the challenges identified.

This report completes the series on ‘Insights into health communication’, which includes a total of nine reviews of the evidence base on health communication for prevention and control of communicable diseases in the EU/EEA. Reports of this series cover areas such as risk communication, health information seeking behaviour, communication on immunisation, behavioural change, social marketing, among other themes.