Management Board

As an independent EU Agency, ECDC reports to a Management Board whose members are nominated by the Member States, the European Parliament and the European Commission. The Management Board, as well as appointing the Director and holding her accountable for the leadership and management of the Centre, also ensures that the Centre carries out its mission and tasks in line with the founding regulation. The Management board approves and monitors implementation of ECDC's work programme and budget, it adopts its annual report and accounts - all in all, it acts as the governing body of the Centre. It meets at least twice a year.
Management Board documents
Decision of the Management Board on the selection and remuneration of external experts
- Rules for implementing Article 20 (2) of the Regulation (EC) No 851/2004, on access to documents of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
- MB Rules of Procedure
- Continuation of the Working Group on New Business Models and Financing of Large-scale EU Level Activities
- Code of conduct of the Management Board