Point prevalence survey of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use in European acute care hospitals - ECDC PPS validation protocol version 3.1.2.

10 Jan 2019

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Point prevalence survey of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use in European acute care hospitals – ECDC PPS validation protocol version 3.1.2. Stockholm: ECDC; 2019. 

The current protocol version 3.2.1 is the ECDC PPS validation protocol used during the second EU-wide PPS of HAIs and antimicrobial use in 2016–2017. This protocol version is an accompanying document to the ECDC protocol for the point prevalence survey of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use in European acute care hospitals version 5.3.

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About ECDC Point prevalence survey

The ECDC point prevalence survey estimates the total burden (prevalence) of HAI and antimicrobial use in acute care hospitals in the EU and describes patients, invasive procedures, infections (sites, microorganisms including markers for antimicrobial resistance) and prescribed antimicrobials