Prevention and control measures for human papillomavirus

Prevention and control measures for human papillomavirus

Three prophylactic HPV vaccines have been granted a license for use in Europe (1), a bivalent, a quadrivalent and a nine-valent vaccine according to the number of types of HPV they contain.

All of the licensed vaccines contain antigens that provide protection against conditions caused by HPV types 16 and 18 and are shown to prevent more than 90% of precancerous lesions associated with these 2 types of viruses.

The nine-valent vaccine additionally prevents more than 90% of precancerous lesions associated with HPV 31, 33, 45, 52 and 58 types.

For a latest update on vaccine recommendation against HPV in the EU, please refer to the ECDC vaccine scheduler (2).

HPV vaccines are given in a two dose regimen over a six-month period for 9 to15 years’ old and in three doses to individuals aged 16 years or older.



Technical guidance on the Introduction of HPV vaccines in European Union countries – an update

Guidance - 5 Sep 2012

In January 2008, a panel of ECDC experts produced the Guidance for the introduction of HPV vaccines in EU countries. Since then, the European Union has come a long way: most countries have implemented national vaccination programmes for adolescent girls and a significant number have also introduced catch-up programmes for young women.