Questions and answers on COVID-19

Q & A: Basic facts
What is COVID-19? What is the mode of transmission? How (easily) does it spread? When is a person infectious? How severe is it?

Q & A: Medical information
What are the symptoms of COVID-19 infection? Are some people more at risk than others? Is there a treatment for the COVID-19 disease? When should I be tested?

Q & A: Prevention
How can I avoid getting infected? Are face masks effective in protecting against COVID-19? How can I avoid infecting others?

Q & A: Situation in the EU
How are countries in the EU/EEA responding to COVID-19? What is the EU doing? Am I at risk of contracting COVID-19 infection in the EU/EEA?

Q & A: COVID-19 and travel
What are the travel restrictions in the European Union? What precautions should I take if I need to travel?