Seasonal influenza - Annual Epidemiological Report for 2020-2021
For the EU/EEA, influenza activity remained at or below inter-seasonal levels throughout the 2020−21 season, probably due to the impact of the various public health and social measures implemented to reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2.
Executive summary
- Only 10 sentinel and 158 non-sentinel specimens tested positive for influenza during the 2020−21 season. Compared with previous seasons a slightly lower number of samples were tested in sentinel surveillance and a similar number in non-sentinel surveillance. However, there was a remarkable decrease in the number of influenza infections detected, with numbers detected on a weekly basis being similar to those reported during the inter-seasonal periods for both sentinel and non-sentinel surveillance systems.
- There were no hospitalised cases of influenza reported by EU/EEA countries in the 2020-21 season and neither were there any fatalities from influenza reported this season.
- Very few viruses were sent for characterisation this season, which has hampered the decision on vaccine composition for the coming season.

Seasonal influenza - Annual Epidemiological Report for 2020-2021 - EN - [PDF-486.01 KB]