Seasonal influenza vaccines

Seasonal influenza is a vaccine-preventable disease and annual influenza vaccination is the most effective way to prevent influenza. ECDC continues to emphasise that all Europeans who are recommended to have the influenza vaccine should get vaccinated.  Vaccination is especially important for people at higher risk of serious influenza complications: Individuals with specific chronic medical conditions, pregnant women, and children aged 6-59 months, the elderly and healthcare workers.

During the annual influenza epidemic season (weeks 40-20 in the subsequent year) ECDC and the WHO Regional Office for Europe jointly report on the influenza situation in the wider European Region which covers the 53 countries of the WHO European Region (including the EU/EEA Member States). The reports are published weekly on the website Flu News Europe and provide key data and analysis on a variety of issues including influenza intensity, circulating virus types/subtypes, and virus characteristics (vaccine effectiveness, pathogenicity, and susceptibility to antiviral treatments). During the inter-season period data are analysed and published on a monthly basis.


EU resources on influenza vaccination