Support for countries neighbouring Ukraine
Refugees entering the EU/EEA from Ukraine may be vulnerable to developing certain infectious diseases, particularly as a result of their temporary living conditions and the situation they face during displacement. ECDC is therefore leading a series of immediate actions, including:
- Producing guidance on infectious disease vulnerabilities of those fleeing from Ukraine, and the associated requirements for infection prevention and control;
- Identifying needs for support and exchanging experience with the Directors and experts of public health institutes in Moldova and the five EU countries neighbouring Ukraine;
- Meeting with expert networks related to topics of high relevance, including TB, HIV and vaccine-preventable infections.
ECDC is also offering support on the ground, with experts deployed to join a multidisciplinary Union Civil Protection (UCP) team in Poland led by DG ECHO (Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations). Additional deployments to affected EU/EEA countries will be provided if and when needed.

Latest resources
Training resources
ECDC Virtual Academy (EVA)
A number of relevant open-access e-Learning courses are available on EVA, including:
- COVID-19 for front-line managers of institutions serving vulnerable populations (1.5-2h)
- Understanding vaccine acceptance & strategies to increase vaccine uptake (30 min)
- Epidemic intelligence e-Learning course (2-4h)
- How to design a Table-top exercise e-learning (30 min)
For more information, visit ECDC's training Catalogue 2022.
ECDC has also curated three sets of training materials related to public health emergency preparedness and response to complex emergencies, for the use of public health authorities and other sectors. There is an infographic with a summary of the materials. Access to this training package is provided upon request through the ECDC Competent Bodies and National Correspondents; please contact for more information.