Tick-borne encephalitis - Annual Epidemiological Report for 2020
For 2020, 24 EU/EEA countries reported 3 817 cases of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), 3 734 (97.8%) of which were confirmed.
The EU/EEA notification rate for 2020 is 0.9 cases per 100 000, which represents a further increase compared with the rate of 0.7 for 2019, and the stable rate of 0.6 from 2016 to 2018.
Cases were more frequently reported among males (male-to-female ratio: 1.5:1) and in the age group 45–64 years.
TBE presents a seasonal pattern. For 2020, 95% of confirmed cases occurred from May to November. July was the month with the highest number of reported cases (n = 1 016).