Vaccine-preventable diseases and immunisation: Core competencies
This report outlines the development of a competency framework covering key knowledge, skills and attitudes critical for the prevention and control of vaccine-preventable diseases and immunisation (VPD&I).
Executive summary
This report outlines the development of a competency framework covering key knowledge, skills and attitudes critical for the prevention and control of vaccine-preventable diseases and immunisation (VPD&I). This allows for training needs analysis and the development of curriculum and training materials for train the trainers.
The competency framework should be relevant for mid-career public health professionals carrying out tasks of prevention and control of VPD&I and also for a broader audience in the field. Highly specialised competencies are relevant, but not intended to be incorporated in this model.
The proposed framework should integrate the multidisciplinary nature of VPD&I aspects. The competencies are set out in a matrix, so the same competency can belong to several domains. However, this competency framework does not address different public health functions and organisational levels that might exist in Member States of the EU (European Union).