
Maps are available online and as downloadable images, for selected diseases such as COVID-19, chikungunya, cholera, dengue, measles and rubella, and vectors. (e.g. mosquitoes, biting midges, ticks, sandflies).

COVID-19 maps

Chikungunya maps

Chikungunya worldwide overview

Every month ECDC provides detailed epidemiological overview of the worldwide transmission of chikungunya in its weekly threat report (Communicable Diseases Threat Report).

Cholera maps

Dengue maps

Measles and rubella maps

MERS-CoV maps

Vector maps

Mosquito maps

Maps of surveillance activities and current known distributions of mosquito species in Europe and neighbouring regions.

Biting midge maps

Maps of surveillance activities and current known distributions of biting midge species in Europe and neighbouring regions.

Tick maps

Maps of surveillance activities and current known distributions of tick species in Europe and neighbouring regions.

Phlebotomine sandfly maps

Maps of surveillance activities and current known distributions of sandfly species in Europe and neighbouring regions.

Vibrio maps

West Nile virus maps