Antimicrobial resistance in HAIs, maps

Percentage of Staphylococcus aureus isolates resistant to meticillin (MRSA) in HAIs in acute care hospitals, ECDC PPS 2011-2012
Resistant isolates (%)
< 10.0
10.0 to < 20.0
20.0 to < 30.0
30.0 to < 40.0
≥ 40.0
No data or < 10 isolates reported
Not included
Non-visible countries

Data from countries with less than 10 isolates with known antimicrobial susceptibility results excluded. In the Netherlands, antimicrobial resistance data were only collected for non-susceptible isolates in the national PPS protocol. The susceptibility of other isolates could be either ‘susceptible’ or ‘unknown’. The percentage of non-susceptible isolates is therefore not given.

*Country representativeness of the PPS data was optimal or good in 25 (76%) countries, and poor or very poor in 8 (24%) countries. Countries (number of participating hospitals) with poor representativeness were: Austria (n=9), Croatia (n=11), Czech Republic (n=14), Estonia (n=4), Norway (n=7), Romania (n=10) and countries with very poor representativeness were Denmark (n=3) and Sweden (n=4) and are indicated by a “*” in maps and tables.Data from the ECDC point prevalence survey of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use in acute care hospitals (ECDC PPS) in the period 2011-2012 as reported to TESSy as of 2013-02-06 14:06:48